
Privacy policy of KUHN ROMANIA SRL

    The protection of personal data is a major concern for us, which is why the data collected is processed in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

    Our website may include links to other websites whose content is not under our control, which is why KUHN ROMANIA SRL assumes no responsibility for the content and safety of these websites.

    The purpose of the collection of personal data processed by KUHN ROMANIA SRL relates to the provision of products and services, statistics, as well as advertising and direct marketing (including receiving calls in direct marketing actions, text-SMS messages, e-mails and printed materials), information on products and services (including new products and services), promotions and contests, and any other commercial communications including electronic ones.

    Registered data may also be provided to KUHN ROMANIA SRL's contractual partners to be processed for the above-mentioned purposes, but only based on a confidentiality commitment on their part, guaranteeing that this data is kept secure and that the provision of this information is in accordance with the legislation in force.

    The personal data that may be collected are of a general nature (name, postal address, telephone numbers, e-mail address) and are processed only with your consent.
    Our website specifies how KUHN ROMANIA SRL uses or intends to use the services offered, but may also include other information closely related to the use of the services and/or products requested.

    Protection of personal data

    Personal data collected electronically will be managed securely and only for the specified purposes, in accordance with the legislation in force including (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of April 27, 2016. For more details about the GDPR, click here.

    KUHN ROMANIA SRL applies appropriate technical and organizational processing and security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful situations involving destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, in particular if the processing in question involves the transmission of data over a network.

    The completion of personal data in the registration forms on the website represents your consent for the data and information provided by you to enter the database of KUHN ROMANIA SRL and its contractual partners.

    Your rights regarding the protection of personal data processing and the free movement of such data are: the right to information, the right of access to data, the right of intervention, the right to object, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to take legal action.

    At the same time, to exercise the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, you may request their total or partial deletion by submitting a written request, dated and signed, sent to Strada Drumul Odaii, nr. 14A, Otopeni, Ilfov or by email to gdpr@kuhn-romania.ro. The request should specify whether you want the information to be sent to a specific address (including e-mail) or by a courier service that ensures delivery in person only.

    Changes to the privacy policy

    Any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on our company website. KUHN ROMANIA SRL will update this privacy and personal data protection policy whenever necessary so that your rights are respected.

    Questions regarding the information contained on this page can be communicated to the e-mail address gdpr@kuhn-romania.ro.